Thursday, February 16, 2012

A chilly walk

This easy winter has turned me into a bit of a wimp so when the temperature dropped to 16F on Saturday I wasn't in the mood for much of a walk. I needed some kind of goal if I was going to do more than walk Billy round the block for 10 minutes so we headed off to the next section of the Bloomingdale Trail.

Halfway there I realized that not only would all the art in the area we were headed to be in shadow, but that Bill and I were going to have a particularly chilly walk if we didn't get to the sunny side of the street. To keep from turning around and heading straight back to the warm couch I decided we'd try to find a mural I keep spotting from the train, walking in the sunshine as much as we could along the way.

I clearly miscalculated the angle of the sun as the weasels and their accompanying mural were also in shadow!

However, most of our walk was in the bright sunshine and I managed to strip off my top layer of mittens long enough to snap a few photos of the art we found along the way.

Usually he doesn't notice the winter weather much (unless it's rainy) but it was definitely cold enough for me to bundle up Billy in his coat and scarf.

You can tell he's just not impressed by having to wear the same old Petco coat he's had since he first arrived. He gets pretty jealous of the fancy duds the other dogs sport on sociabulls walks. Unfortunately for Billy's style aspirations, it does the job just fine for now and if momma can't afford new clothes, he isn't getting any either.

All in all, we managed to have a brisk trot around the neighborhood for an hour or so, at which point I no longer felt guilty about returning to my warm apartment and tackling a pile of sewing. What helps you to go that (literal) extra mile when you're just not in the mood for a walk?


  1. Love following someone around on their walks - Chicago has so many fun sights!

  2. I think Billy looks super handsome in his coat and scarf! And I LOVE those pictures! I have never been to Chicago and obviously I'm missing a LOT!

  3. Between you guys and the Two Pitties in the City crew, I almost want to move to Chicago.

  4. I love seeing the sights, and we definitely need to check out some of these murals. I do think Billy looks quite dapper in his scarf!

  5. Billy is a very handsome man! What helps me is walking with other people. One of my friends who loves dogs but doesn't have one often accompanies us. That makes the time pass more quickly!

  6. but tells him he is most handshum no matter what clothes he wears and we just loved the weasels!!!

    pibble sugars
    the pittie pack

  7. this post made me very grateful for our backyard! ;)


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