Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good things come in threes - Part 3

3. The Three-Percent Challenge

Last week I posted a statistic I'd come across claiming that we need to increase the number of adoptions by only 3% to halt the euthanasia of healthy pets. Aleksandra of Love and a Six Foot Leash asked what we can do to achieve that goal (and had a fun suggestion of getting some reality shows up and running! I'll get working on that one...)

For my part, I've come up with my own "Threes" challenge and set some goals for my contributions to rescue efforts over the next year. One of the biggest challenges we face is the apparent enormity of the problem, yet 3% seems so attainable! To get there, I'm laying out my own achievable goals, each of which make a difference in some way - whether through educating others, easing the life of pups in shelters or helping to find them homes.

Here are my three times three personal action points for the next year:

1. Volunteer for a shelter/ rescue organization at least three times a month.
2. Encourage three people to get involved in rescue: one volunteer, one foster and one adopter.
3. Come up with three new ideas to promote rescue: one new partnership, one new marketing plan and one new fundraising initiative.
4. Recycle old towels and blankets into at least three new dog beds for Animal Welfare League's Intake Facility.
5. Foster three more dogs.
6. Make 3 adopt-me vests for foster pups.
7. Invite 3 friends to share their experiences in rescue/ foster/ adoption as guest bloggers.
8. Reach out to three neighbors each month with information on spay/neuter.
9. Persuade three of my readers out there to create their own "three" challenge goals!

And now over to you. Make your three as modest or ambitious as you choose and remember that every little step is a step in the right direction towards a very achievable goal.

Photo: Jeremy Lawson


  1. This is such a great idea! I've seen your blog on 2 pitties and love & a leash, so I thought I'd come over and say hi! I'm Corbin, I'm a foster brother and rescue helper :-)

  2. Excellent post and incredible ideas! A few of those are on my list too. :)

  3. you are such a hero. i felt a little tingle in my spine when i read your 3x3 ideas. maybe the tingle is telling me that i should snatch some of them too.

  4. I think what I love the most about this is that all your goals are practical and doable. Many people in rescue are overwhelmed by the task before them. But a list like that is a great step in the right direction. Bravo!

  5. This is such a great idea. I volunteer a lot, but I definitely think I could do more. This has given me some great ideas.

  6. Excellent post! Great ideas and a nudge in the right direction for those of us who are in a tad of a rut vis a vis fostering :) I am going to come back to this list whenever I need inspiration and a nudge--

  7. Great post and great ideas! I like when people respond with an action plan!

  8. Such a great post. I am a huge animal lover and I haven't done anything to help. You gave me great ideas on how I can help. I can't wait to get started. If you are looking for new dog beds I always go to They last forever and they are cheap.
    Thanks again for the amazing ideas!


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