Friday, March 23, 2012

Big News!

It's been a year of rather significant changes around here and quite a wild ride at times. Now the dust has settled I'm so thrilled to share my 2012 developments.

1. My new office mate

Snoozy pup

You may have noticed me mentioning working from home on and off for some months now, but it wasn't until early this year that I made the conscious decision not to take another full-time arts position and to continue consulting. It was a scary step in some ways but it opened me up to all sort of new possibilities - see below - and I'm enjoying the flexibility to try new projects, not to mention having a cuddly office mate. I'll be posting pics of my new office soon too - the result of the painting project I hinted at a couple of weeks ago.

2. My new venture


Taking some time off from the frantic grind that is arts administration enabled me to rediscover my creativity, albeit in an unfamiliar outlet. I blogged a little about this in my handmade holiday series before Christmas, but I didn't want crafty ramblings to overtake the doggy theme of this blog so you can hop over to Daisy Aslett to read about my new creative adventures. I'd love it if you'd join me there from time to time, though I've got some dog-related crafts coming up which I'll share here too. It's in the early stages yet, but my Etsy store is up and running too, and you'll hear more about that when I post the designs that I'm currently working on (of course, if you like my Daisy Aslett facebook page you'll get early notice!).

3. My most exciting news...

Summer dog!

I saved the best for last!!!!!! Yes, it is definitely worthy of six exclamation points. I'm beyond thrilled to announce that I'll soon be starting a new part-time position as Development Director for One Tail at a Time. If you've read more than a couple of posts on this blog then you already know how much this organization means to me and can guess at how excited I am. I can't wait to tell you more so please check back next week when I'll tell you all about my journey to getting involved with OTAT.

P.S. The Puppy has arrived! There's a video on my facebook page but I think this is more than enough exciting news for today so you'll just have to wait until next week for puppy blog updates.


  1. Congrats on your new venture and new job!

  2. Wooooo thats all good news!

    Stop on by for a visit

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Totally 6exclamationpoint-worthy :)

  4. Wow- congrats!! It sounds like you've started this year off right! Good move hiring Bilbo as the secretary- I bet be has a great phone voice!

  5. Congratulations! We are all recipients of your hard work & passion.

  6. Yay! So exciting!!! I'm off to go check out your Etsy store now. :)

  7. Congrats on the consulting/new office, the Daisy Aslett Etsy store (the designs are great!) & especially the Development Director position!
    The video of Billy & the puppy playing was super cute. Billy is so good with her. Wish we had room to haz puppy...

  8. That is awesome on all accounts! Congrats!

  9. Exciting times ahead perhaps!


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